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It was a hot day the sun beat down on me. Beads of sweat ran down between my breasts & even the loose cotton skirt seemed to stick to my thighs. A sticky wet patch from my crotch seeped onto the back of my skirt & despite the heat was slow to dry. I like to watch guys in the park all kinds of them. The guys walking their dogs who took courage from the company of their mutt gave a sideways flirtatious glance but scuttled off quickly when my eyes met theirs. The groups of lads playing football – very brave & loud in their little pack but no balls really.Then there were the guys with their wives & girlfriends these I liked best of all. A little too afraid to look in a brazen way yet I knew they wanted it.

The heat made me even more horny than usual. My fuck radar was on overdrive someone was fucking getting it. I strolled around the garden flower beds apart from older men far too interested in the wildlife – no one that made me throb was about I wanted young blood. I walked by the pond mostly couples with babies in pushchairs. My juices were flowing but I wasn’t optimistic of success. I headed to the public toilets to do it myself.And there he was a sweet faced young guy just coming out of the mens toilet. I clocked him straight away approached immediately & asked for a light. He obliged then went to walk away.

Please dont go….I need some help…..I have been strung by a wasp & wondered if you would take a look & help me to apply some spray….The lad scanned around nervously…I am waiting for my girlfriend…Please… it wont take a minute…….but you will have to come into the ladies loo…the sting is in a private place & I don’t want to be embarrassed outside.The colour drained from his face but being a kind soul he agreed asking, Will it take long I really am in a hurry.
It wont take long at all……I smiled to myself?

I led him into the ladies & opened a cubicle door. The poor lad pulled back but I reassured him that everything would be okay. By the time I had closed the door he began to get the picture & was even tenser. I sat him on the toilet stood facing him stepped out of my wet pants & lifted my skirt. The sweat broke on him he coloured up just the way I like them – nervous & obliging! Pulling his head toward my cunt I told him to show me what he could do with his tongue. He wasn’t bad for a young guy with a little direction he could be very good indeed. Nice as it was I was much too in need of a fuck to mess around with foreplay.

I stood him up reached down & undid his jeans he was pantiless & what a beautifully formed cock he had. His initial weak objections subsided as I took hold of him with one hand & touched my cunt with the other. I felt him stiffen… hard was he?
I will stop if you want me to….That line works every time he was not for stopping & neither was I. I shoved him down on the toilet again his trousers round his ankles held my skirt up & slowly lowered myself onto him. The boy yelped he could hardly contain himself but he was still very nervous & struggling not to come there & then. I told him – Don’t fucking come yet…not until I say you can. I rode him slowly at first raising & lowering with expert precision. But the anticipation got a hold of me & all I wanted was to feel his hard dick as deep inside my pussy as was humanly possible.

I ground deep onto him feeling the softness of his stomach rubbing my clitoris as I rocked & the full depth of his cock inside my soaking wet pussy. The boy moaned panted like an animal everything about him primal. Digging my nails into his back biting his neck – I thrust my groin into his with a speed & force that left me breathless. I knew I was heading for an amazing orgasm his cock was hitting the spot its breadth filled me up & the friction of his stomach against my clitoris induced those animalistic shudders. They grew in intensity the gaps between each spasm got shorter until they merged onto the most explosive orgasm imaginable. I screamed bit & scratched before falling into a sweating spent heap in his arms.

And do you know all he was worried about ? The marks I had left on his body. What a fucking cheek he had. And a small price to pay for what I had given to him. I really wasn’t bothered in the slightest what his juvenile girlfriend might say. That was his problem. Me I left the park got into my car & drove to collect my kids from school.


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