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The boss’ daughter settled in well. For a couple of weeks following her sexual initiation – she was a little coy. She worked very hard – was especially efficient – but she never mentioned the events of that night. Every once in a while I caught her looking at me when she thought I didn’t see her. Brief sideways glances – her face a little confused. I imagined she was embarrassed but I hoped when she remembered her awakening – her pants would be damp. Most of all I hoped that I had left her wanting more – hungry. Her coyness both infuriated me & turned me on. I wasn’t sure if this little vixen was genuinely embarrassed or if she was deliberately playing the little girl lost to drive me even wilder with desire. I was damned if I was going to make it easy for her – she would have to make the first move next time. I wanted the memory of what we had done to prompt her to come to me – to ask – to beg for more. I had plans for this girl – dirty plans. Her journey had hardly begun.

As for me – the images in my mind were a vivid as ever. I had lived off them for what felt like an eternity. Her initial apprehension – the first time I touched her – the way after a little licking her tight lips opened to greet my tongue – the small drops of wet trickling down her cunt – giving way to masses of shiny sweet juice. Night after night as I wanked myself to sleep – I relived it. The velvety feel of the inside of her tight cunt the first time I probed her & the look of sheer fear on her face as she came. These images tipped me over the edge to powerful orgasm every time I called them up – I hardly needed to touch myself. Man I was sure I could almost come only the memory alone. But I was becoming impatient.

We all worked like Trojans – the hours we put in were immense – the activity & sense of focus in the office was beyond anything I could remember. Though the bonuses we would get if we pulled this off – were massive & bar sex – money is a great motivator. Presenting the proposal was tense – I was nervous as hell – but I brought my cute little apprentice with me. My brief after all had been to expose her to all aspects of the business & though it irked me to admit it – I had given her a lot of menial tasks. I told her just to watch & learn. Her eyes flashed in recognition – hadn’t I said that before? My performance in the board room was fantastic – they were a tough group to convince & once or twice I struggled. Then just before I wound up – my cute little helper piped up. I could feel my blood pressure rise – I had told her to say nothing – to keep quite.

But this babe delivered like a true professional & unless I was mistaken – she called upon her sexual charm to convince the bunch of uptight wankers to go with us. Waiting outside the boardroom while they considered – I looked at her knowingly. She smiled back – straightened her blouse & gently brushed my tits as she moved by. One day this woman would be a mover – competition for me. The outcome – we won the bid. The celebrations after these things were great. Crates of champagne – everyone letting their hair down – a real no holds barred party. Me I had only two things on my mind. Rediscovering the feel of her pussy & sacking the lazy smart assed wanker who had contributed little.

I had intended to do the latter first – but fuck my juices were flowing & when I stepped away from the celebrations into my office for a moment & saw her sitting there – my priorities shifted. The look on her face told me that she wanted me too. Wasting no time I took her hands & stood her up. Slowly opening her buttons to reveal her pert tits – I looked at her intensely. Making no move to touch her I waited – watched. “Touch me” she muttered. Man I had wanted to hear that for weeks. Taking her nipples in my mouth – her breathing quickened – her nipples hardened in my mouth. This shy girl had blossomed in more ways than one & would you believe it – she took the lead – gave the orders.


Blogged Under: Porn Vids & Pics

Like choosing a holiday viewing houses starts off with great excitement. Trawling the paper & internet making shortlists all initially bring such exhilaration. You start imagining being on that beach with its rich turquoise water or creating a culinary masterpiece in that contemporary kitchen. As you continue on the quest you find the hotel you want is fully booked the beach is shingle not sand & the reviews are less than favourable. Its been a bit that way with the house quest. Sometime its clear before you walk in that it isn’t right.

More often then not thought its the estate agents that cause the most hassle. Smug pompous upstarts that think they are real men when mostly – they are just wee boys. All you want them to do is open the door & let you take a bloody look around the house. But no they give you all the bullshit spiel about the fittings the oak flooring etc.

So after months of house hunting wasting time looking at houses that had they told the truth about I would never have bothered to view my tolerance was at particularly low ebb. That day an agent called to tell me about a house that was just what I was looking for an absolute must he said. I arranged to meet him there after work.

I had a bitch of a day busy as hell nothing went quite right & really all I wanted to do was go home soak in a bath & fuck my man senseless. Though I have to admit having pissed off to a stag night – he hadnt actually helped my mood. I could imagine it all – too much beer all lads talk & stuffing fivers in the knickers of sluts in seedy strip joints seemed crazy – when he could be home fucking me. His loss? The traffic was dreadful the rain beat against the windscreen & making it across town in time for the viewing was such a rush. I made it only a few minutes late.

The house was in darkness & no one was there. I waited in the car for 20 minutes before the agent finally weighed in. I tell you I was livid.
I hadn’t seen this guy before he must have been new. Certainly if his attire was anything to go by the boy was certainly trying to look the part. He must have taken a mortgage to buy his suit. A bit too glitzy for my taste & the smell of aftershave overpowered me.

Please I thought silently to myself keep it brief & cut the bullshit. But true to form he launched into agent speak before we had got through the front door. Did I want to hear about the original features like hell I didn’t. I just wanted to look in each room & get the hell home. If my man wasn’t there my dildo sure was & I needed an orgasm before sleep. Why change the habit of a lifetime? Looking at the young guy I found myself though irked feeling quite sorry for him. He had to say his bit & I guess I had to listen. As we carried on through the house I realised that while it may have potential it was not the must see I had been promised. So I turned off looked at what I need to & let him carry on.

As we completed the tour he was keen to know my impressions & seemed quite desperate that I make an offer. Explaining that it was okay but not for me I watched as his expression changed from enthusiastic to absolute disappointment. The boy was glum. He sat down on the dining room chair his head dropped to his hands & he sighed. Turns out that he hadn’t made a sale in 6 months this was his final chance. If he didn’t sell this house to me he was out of a job. He pleaded & begged that I make an offer. The bottom line was that the boy was willing to do anything to make a sale. The onslaught continued it seems I was his last chance & again he reiterated that he would do whatever I wanted if only would consider it.

My libido & conscious had been having an argument since the begging started. After all a cute young guy – still wet behind the ears offering whatever I wanted just so long as his kept his job was too much for me. As my head went into overdrive & my pussy began to throb I realised that while I was a sympathetic woman I was hornier that I would ever be sympathetic.As I met his gaze he understood that it wasn’t the practical stuff like getting me a good mortgage deal or repairing my car I had in mind. The boys face flushed he wriggled in the seat & stammered a bit. So – how was I going to play this I pondered though only briefly. Having the upper hand with an estate agent was such a novelty I knew I would milk this boy dry & there was no place for coyness that night.


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You know what its like having someone to stay for the evening seems a good idea when you are chatting in the phone. You make a date weeks in advance & before you know it – the weekend is upon you. Its usually the day before that the dread sets in & the amount of work & preparation involved dawns on you. It was a bit like that.We had invited my old friend for the night. I hadn’t seen her for years my other half had never met her & just at the last minute she announces that she is bringing her new guy.

She could be hard work at the best of times very highly strung & prone to drama. The weather was crap so a BBQ was out of the question. There was nothing else for it but to write a bloody menu trawl the shops & get prepared. My other half wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. He isnt the most social of guys & not really the dinner party type. I had so much to do before they arrived I asked him to clean up while I went shopping. It really was the very least he could do after the blowjob I’d given him the night before.

And isn’t it just the way that you cant get what you want & have to go elsewhere. More time more stress going from shop to shop. I was really beginning to wish I hadn’t invited them at all. Two hours later I had all I needed & while I had a lot of cooking to do never mind taking a shower & getting ready at least I didn’t have to clean the house as well. I pulled up outside the house opened the door & shouted for help with the bags. No answer. I went in the house was as it had been when I left untidy & in need or a clean & my other half was nowhere to be seen. Nice of him though to leave a note! My mates had a bit of hassle gone to the pub to help him out will tidy up when I get back wont be long. Bastard I shouted. And with all I have to do today.

I was bloody mad at him livid in fact. But time was running out & I had to get organised. He rarely let me down but wouldn’t it just be that day that he had to be the bloody hero? I chopped grated mashed marinade peeled braised & flambéed. It was coming together & I felt really quite proud.

No sign of him though I was too stubborn to phone so got stuck into the cleaning & by 5pm the only thing that wasn’t sparkling was me. No time for a soak I stepped out of my clothes & under the hot water. I was tired weary & more often than not my man would wait until I had soap in my eyes & step in beside me. Okay I had grown to expect it hardly a surprise.

But you know I never tired of it. He took me places every time – the way he slid his hands over my breasts from behind – feeling his hardness against my ass as he turned me to face the wall. I loved our showers together for me a shower & an orgasm went hand in hand. So that day I was exhausted cross with him for letting me down & more in need of an orgasm that I had been for a long time. And I hadn’t even the time to please myself though for a moment I did allow my fingers to explore my soapy pussy. But with little time to spare I stopped before the point of no return dried myself off & set about getting ready.

Even oiling my skin sent a tingle over me I was surely in need that evening. God I could have cancelled the visitors in an instant but it was too late now & too rude. I allowed myself a few moments to dress. I loved to dress slowly taking care to pull my silk stocking up to just the right place the seam neatly at the back that sexy line that sometimes my mans tongue traced deliberately from my feet to the stocking tops. I loved to feel the soft white skin between the stocking tops & my pants to look at the shape my pussy lips made in my soft knickers. I liked the bulge the silhouette of my lips it turned me on & it sure as hell turned him on.

So where the hell was he when I needed him? He was fucking getting it tonight though if he didn’t show soon I was going to look a right stupid bitch with the table set for four & only three of us. I had been trying not to think too much about meeting my friends new guy. She had been out with some bloody wasters in her time I had a feeling the evening was going to be really hard going. And with them sleeping over I would have to suffer breakfast too. Looking at my watch I realised they would be arriving in fifteen minutes. I was beginning to be really pissed off no sign of my man & our guests arrival imminent.

The door opened & in he rolled. Drunk laughing & flirting like a loon. Okay he had picked up a bunch of half dead flowers on the way back by means of an apology but I was mad with him. Though despite being irked I couldn’t help but smile. He had that effect on me but sometimes I could have slapped him. Being too direct didn’t work with him tell him strongly not to do something & you can be sure that he will do exactly what you would prefer him not to do. So I kissed him gently & asked him in a very low key way to not be too full on this evening. After all he hadn’t met my mate & neither of us had met her guy.Our guests arrived on time the usual pre dinner drinks polite conversation & soon we were sitting down to the first course.

My mates man was actually quite nice not bad looking & he certainly seemed to have had a calming effect on my friend – though he did have a tendency to indulge in over serious topics of conversation which were a bit droll at times. If you haven’t already guessed this was just the trigger my man needed to take the piss mercilessly. Every serious sentence was met with a quip. I tried hard to keep the conversation level but after a while I knew there was no stopping it & I struggled not to join in & tease madly. The wine was going fast then the brandy & all the while my man got drunker & more outrageous. Strange as it may seem I found myself consumed with thoughts of winding the evening down politely taking my man to bed & fucking him senseless. I was still mad with him for being such a bloody liability but this man turned me on so much & even when I imagined an angry fuck when we lay together & he touched me only the way he could my intentions of being quite the bully usually disappeared.”>

By midnight everyone was full up & a natural time to bid goodnight. It was obvious to me as well that they too wanted to be alone. So a relatively early night suited us all. I showed them to their room let it be known discreetly to my man I expected some serious loving & I would meet him in bed in a few minutes. I spent a short time clearing up although the throb in my loins distracted me enough to leave the bulk of it until morning. I cleaned my teeth & slipped my dress off in the bathroom. Opening the bedroom door I was greeted by thunderous snores. Man it was deafening. I could hardly believe it. I shook him poked & prodded flicked & pinched but he was not for waking. My expectations had been raised my nipples erect cunt juicy & no man.


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Anne had been a close friend of Mary ever since college and even though Anne traveled a lot with her work, whenever she was in town the two always tried to get together and catch up on old times. It had been two years since Anne’s last visit and Annie had been thrilled when she got the call from her friend saying she was in town for a few days. They had gone out to dinner along with Mary’s husband Mike, drank too much wine, came back to Mary’s house and had even more wine. Maybe it was all the wine that had been the reason why the evening had taken such a sexy turn.

The conversation had been as usual, all about what had been going on in their lives since they had last seen each and progressed from there. When Anne had mentioned a girlfriend she had a few months before, Mike had been surprised which both women found amusing. Anne had went on to explain to him that she was bisexual and had been for years. The more the wine flowed the more exotic and open the conversation became until they were all admitting things they would never have done without the inhibitions caused by the drink. One thing had led to another and now here Anne was naked and kneeling between her husbands knees sharing his cock while her friend teased her hot pussy and Mike watched in extreme ecstasy and total amazement. And Anne was loving every second of it.

She loved how they would take turns sucking his cock deep in their mouths or one would tease his balls with their tongue while the other sucked down his shaft. And Anne was surprised by how much she loved how it felt to feel Anne’s tongue touching her own when they both licked him from base to head. This was the most erotic and dirtiest thing she had ever experienced and her pussy was practically dripping from the excitement. Her mind was spinning and she didnt put up any resistance when Anne coaxed her into lying on her back on the floor.

Mike knelt above her and she felt the head of his cock begin to enter her cunt while Mary fondled her tits. It all felt so fucking good she arched her back moaning in pleasure. She could hear Mike’s moans and Mary whispering naughty words of encouragement but she was so involved in feeling her mind couldn’t make out the words.As Anne watched, Mary leaned over and began to lick and nibble at her clit. Her body trembled with need and she knew Mike was as turned on as she was because he began to pump harder and faster. The more Mary licked and moaned the more roughly Mike fucked her. And the sensations of it all was sending Anne into a mind numbing orgasm that had her cry out over and over while Mike pumped his seed deep inside her. Mary licked the cum off both of them and grinned.


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Kath was on the sofa flipping through the channels when she heard Debbie come in. Debbie flopped down beside her and Kath could tell by the look on her face that the date she had must not have went well.
Nice date?
He sucked. Debbie sighed. Boring as hell and kept stepping on my toes both times we danced.Kath couldn’t keep herself from grinning. Mine couldn’t keep his hands off my ass until I started stepping on his toes.Debbie chuckled. Guess that means neither one of us got lucky.Not yet. Kath grinned before pressing her lips against Debbie’s soft mouth. There was no hesitation as Debbie opened her mouth and let her roommates soft tongue slide inside. The kiss was slow and sensuous and Debbie eased her hands under Kath’s shirt, covering her tiny tits with her hands before teasing the nipples into hardened peeks. Kath groaned and lifted her mouth before sliding her shirt over her head and tossing it to the floor. She helped Debbie unbutton her dress and slip it off along with her bra before using her hot tongue to tease her friends rosy buds into full erection. Debbie’s boobs were much larger then her own and she loved how soft they were. She licked and sucked and nibbled loving the small, breathy moans her actions elicited. Kath couldn’t help but moan her own pleasure as Debbie let her hands roam over her chest and down to her waist. She could feel her pussy begin to heat and moisten when Debbie slipped her hand beneath the waistband of her shorts.

Without words they both slid low on the sofa until they were lying facing each other. Kath parted her legs for Debbie’s searching fingers while she covered a nipple with her mouth and sucked on it gently. She gasped as Debbie eased a finger between her pussy lips and circled her clit teasing it into swollen life. Debbie pulled away so she could slide Kath’s shorts down her legs and position her onto her back. Seeing the heated anticipation in her eyes had Debbie’s own pussy getting wet and a slow ache began to build. She pressed her mouth to Kath’s sweet slit and slid her tongue inside while she spread her lips open with her fingers. She flicked her tongue along the opening long enough to make the other girl squirm and pant with need before licking her way up to the nub and circling it with her tongue. Debbie gently teased Kath for long intense minutes before feeling her body begin to tremble in prelude to an orgasm. At just the right moment, Debbie slipped the other girls puffy bud between her lips and sucked it hard and fast, milking it with her mouth until Kath began to moan and squirm her hips wildly. Debbie released her clit and lapped her slick juices into her mouth hungrily and moaning at the sweet taste only stopping when Kath moved away and began to push her back onto the sofa.
My turn…


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Becky pushed open the door to her apartment tossing her bag to the floor on her way to the bathroom. She quickly undressed before turning on the shower and stepping inside. It had been a long day at work and the water was doing little to ease her tension. But Becky knew what would take the edge off and that was ordering a pizza from the local pizzeria delivered by her favorite delivery boy.She finished quickly, threw on a robe and headed for the phone. Thirty minutes later she was answering the door, a sensuous smile playing about her lips when she saw Drew standing there with her pizza. Turning away she headed for the kitchen as he closed the door and followed.
Becky leaned against the counter and watched as he put the pizza on her small table. Slowly he made his way to her and without a word lifted her off her and set her on the counter untying the belt to her robe and letting it slide open to reveal her slender, curvy body.

Dave wasted no time in taking one pebbled nipple into his mouth and nibbling it roughly until she gasped. They had been doing this for a long time now and he knew just what she wanted. Dave definitely didnt mind. She sexy as hell and when he was working, he always made sure he delivered to her, in more ways then one. She was a hot lay and good tipper and he saw it as a win-win situation.
Becky arched her back into him as he nipped at her almost causing her to cry out. She put her feet on the counter and spread her legs wide. He knew how to take the hint and in a flash he had his head between her thighs burying one finger deep inside her wet pussy while he sucked on her swollen clit. Dave worked her tight cunt exactly the way she needed. With his finger deep inside, he found just the right spot and he pushed and teased it mercilessly while he used his tongue and teeth on her aching nub. He wanted her to climax as much as she wanted it herself and neither had long to wait until she was gasping and pushing her hips off the counter into him.

Beckys orgasm was still coursing through her body when she demanded he fuck her. As quickly as he could, he unfastened his pants barely yanking them down to his hips before thrusting so hard into her, she thought she might break in two. He was definitely a big boy and she loved the size of his hot cock and feeling him pump her with deep, savage strokes until he exploded his load inside of her.
They were both still breathing quickly when he eased himself from her. As he fastened his pants, she slipped off the counter reaching in her pocket. She handed him the money for the pizza plus a fat tip. Dave stuffed it in his pocket and with a sinfully sexy smile, he was gone.


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Brenda pushed her long blonde hair out of her face, her mouth moving from his cock. She moved her hands slowly along the inside of his thighs and knelt between his knees. Slowly drawing his cock out of her mouth she tasted the first bead of salty cum and knew he was close.
Gently dragging her teeth along it all the way up his shaft and nibbling it as she got to the glistening tip. She knew that drove him crazy and loved making him groan,writhe and feel his muscles tense and twitch under her power.Holding his twitching dick with one hand, she licked the underside of his cock whilst gently massaged his tight cum filled balls.
She teased him, her tongue moving lower, licking his sac and sucking his twins in her mouth one at a time as she pumped his slick cock.

He sucked in a deep, ragged breath between his clenched teeth. He grasped Brenda’s head with both of his hands clenching his fist in her hair. Good god, this MILF really knew how to use her lips and mouth. Feeling her tongue and all that sucking action on his nut sac had his mind in a frenzy.And when he felt her slide her moist, hot mouth back up the length of his dick.Fitting her lips around the head and sucking hard as she took almost every inch of him down her throat – It was almost more then he could take. He pushed her head with his hands wanting his cock to slide down her throat and feel her muscles clenched around him. She didn’t put up any resistance and she lifted herself as he stood so he could move better.

Brenda placed her hands on his ass and squeezed hard letting her fingernails dig slightly into the flesh.She could tell by the low groan deep in his throat that he was gonna blow his load .She tried to smile but his throbbing cock filled her mouth.She began to moan knowing the vibrations would send him over the edge.And she knew the exact moment when he was lost. He pulled her roughly towards him thrusting his hips forward making her take every bit of his juicy cock in her mouth. She loved gagged but loved feeling him fuck her throat, feeling his balls slap against her chin as he pumped hard and fast. His cock was throbbing and his balls were tight. His body was screaming for release and he didnt have the will to resist its plea.He began to face fuck her even faster as he felt himself grow rock hard and swell to bursting only seconds before thrusting deep into her.He gripped tightly his hot cum spewed forward and splattered into her mouth and down her gagging throat.


Blogged Under: Porn Vids & Pics

It was one of those days……a day when the pulsating in my cunt & the wetness in my pants – overtook all else. No matter how hard I tried…I just couldn’t distract myself. And on days like that….there was only one thing to quench my thirst…..a uncomplicated fuck.
I drove round the town…prowling for prey. I watched couples hold hands in the high street…..groups of guys congregating outside the bars.

Then there were the man types – rushing around in their sharp suits with their cell phones stuck to their ear. I wasn’t sure that day….just what type to go for….so I carried on cruising.
I drank coffee in coffee shops – watching the waiters in their tight black pants & all the while my pussy throbbed. I sat in the park for a while & considered the rough but kind of sweet – guy mowing the lawn.

Ah….so much choice… I’ve always quite enjoyed teasing myself on days like these….kind of delaying gratification….working out my strategy & allowing my filthy thoughts alone to almost bring me to orgasm.

I took a stroll up the high street – looking in shop windows & enjoying the need in my cunt. As I approached the brow of the hill….I saw a guy smoking outside a bar. …Id found him…and one way or another – I was going to have him. Our eyes locked. I always like to be the dominant one…make the moves….orchestrate the encounter. I asked him for a light – he obliged. And before I had the chance to ask if he wanted a drink…he asked me.


Blogged Under: Porn Vids & Pics

I’d been out on the town with my girls one night. We were just looking for some action, scoping out some hot studs. But I don’t know where the hell they all were. It was boring as hell.

So, we decided to call it an early night. I said good-bye to them and then headed to the bathroom before I left. While I was there I realized that I’d left my scarf at the table so I headed back to see if it was still there. When I got back to the table the girls had all cleared out but there was a super hot looking guy sitting there by himself.

“Hi there,” I said as I gave him the once over. “I was sitting there before you got here and I think I forgot my scarf. Have you seen it? It’s pink.”

He smiled, thinking it was just an excuse to talk to him, but when he realized I was serious he looked around and realized he was sitting on it. He pulled it out from underneath him. Before long we were talking up a storm. When I asked him if he was waiting for someone he said no so I suggested that we go back to my place where it would be quieter and we could talk. Of course, I had no intention of doing much talking.

He quickly agreed and followed me back in his car. As he followed me inside my apartment, I could feel his eyes on my ass. I was wearing a very short skirt that hugged my curves and very few men could resist that.

Once inside I offered him a drink. He accepted so I went to the little bar that I kept stocked just off to the side of my living room. After I gave him his drink I didn’t give him much time to drink it though. What little conversation we had ended when I placed my hand on the bulge I could see clearly through the thin fabric of the khaki pants he wore. That was all the incentive he needed.

He threw me back on the couch and practically ripped my clothing off. Just what I liked – a man who knew how to take control. What few words that followed for the rest of the night were very dirty.

“So, you were just looking for some action weren’t you? Quite the slutty milf you are in that short skirt!”

“So what are you going to do about it?” I taunted him.

“I’m going to give you just what you want – but not until I get what I want first!”

He pulled his cock out of his pants and I was pleased to see a nice hard tool that was thick and looked good enough to eat. Which was just what I did. I clamped my lips around that thick shaft and sucked on his rod like I hadn’t had cock in years.

His moans of pleasure were just what I expected to hear. I knew that there was no guy that could resist the talents of my tongue. I’d been giving blowjobs longer than most of the hoochies at the bars and I knew I was way more talented at this than they could ever dream of being.

And I loved sucking cock, too, and I knew that came into their pleasure factor a lot. Actually, I enjoyed licking up and down that veiny shaft so much that I almost forgot about how wet my pussy was getting. But he didn’t.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and woke me up out of my cock sucking pleasure-fest. Sitting on the couch where he’s been before he invited me to sit on his lap.


Blogged Under: Porn Vids & Pics

It is Halloween Eve and my boyfriend and I decided to go clubbing and we found this awesome club that was having a kick ass costume party. What made this club so exciting is that it was a swingers club. We chose just to wear masks, because we really wanted to stand out in the crowd.

When we arrived, we were both pretty nervous. We sat down at a table with two other couples and started making conversation. They were extremely pleasant, but we couldn’t tell what they looked like since they were in costume. Tom and Diane asked us if we wanted to check out one of the private rooms, to become “better acquainted”. Mick and I both readily agreed.

When we arrived in the room, Diane unzipped her costume, sliding it slowly down her tight body. I looked over and saw Mick unzipping his pants and taking his rock hard cock in his hand. Diane knelt down and I could see her hot wet mouth engulf his tool.

My pussy oozing she-cum just from the sight of it. I looked up and noticed Tom staring at me; I gave him a hesitant smile. He walked over and opened his toga, I gasped at the sight of his monster cock! Then Tom grasped me and removed my dress, exposing my tight sexy body.

Tom manoeuvred me over the couch where Mick had Diane on all fours and I could hear the skin slapping skin as his rock hard cock pumped her gushing pussy. Tom laid me down so my head was right below Diane’s beautiful tits, he leaned down and I could feel his tongue flick my clit.


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